What is the function of the voltage regulator?

With the rapid development of society, the use of electrical equipment is increasing day by day.However, due to the aging and lagging development of power transmission and distribution facilities, poor design and insufficient power supply, the voltage of terminal users is too low, while the voltage of line users is often on the high side, which is like an indefinite time bomb for electrical equipment, especially for high-tech and precision equipment with strict voltage requirements.As a public power grid, the municipal power system connects thousands of various loads, among which some large loads such as inductive, capacitive and switching power supplies not only obtain electricity from the power grid, but also affect the power grid itself in turn, deteriorating the power supply quality of the power grid or local power grid, resulting in voltage waveform distortion or frequency drift.In addition, unexpected natural and man-made accidents, such as excessive load voltage, earthquake, lightning strike, open circuit or short circuit of power transmission and transformation system, will endanger the normal power supply, thus affecting the normal operation of the load.

Unstable voltage will cause fatal injury or misoperation of the equipment, affecting production, resulting in delivery delay, unstable quality and other losses.At the same time, accelerate the aging of the equipment, affect the service life and even burn the accessories, so that the owners are faced with the problem of maintenance or short-term renewal of equipment, a waste of resources; in serious cases, safety accidents even occur, resulting in inestimable losses.

Therefore, the use of voltage regulators is essential for electrical equipment, especially for high-tech and precision equipment with strict voltage requirements.JONCHN brand stablizer

Post time: Mar-25-2023